Embracing the Journey of Self-Discovery and Growth: Exploring Web Design and Beyond

Embracing the Journey of Self-Discovery and Growth: Exploring Web Design and Beyond

Navigating a Path of Personal Growth and Exploration in the world of confusion


When I started attending a tier 3 college, I quickly realized that landing a job at a FAANG company right out of college might not be easy. However, I wanted to stand out and pursue my interests. While browsing YouTube, I came across people my age who were achieving financial freedom through freelancing and other endeavors. Inspired by their stories, I decided to do some research and give it a try myself. One book, "The Millionaire Fastlane" by MJ Demarco, had a big impact on me and changed my perspective.

Diving into Freelancing:

Motivated by what I had seen, I decided to become a freelance graphic designer. Even though I didn't have experience with tools like Photoshop, I used Canva and managed to find my first client. This allowed me to earn a decent income while still being a student. However, I faced challenges with laziness and procrastination, especially during the lockdown when I spent too much time watching videos and playing games. But it's important not to feel bad about past choices and move forward.

Discovering Web Design and Reflecting:

During this time, I stumbled upon the world of web design. I went through a process of exploring, trying, failing, and learning from my mistakes. However, when I compared myself to experienced designers, I started to doubt if this was the right path for me. I still enjoyed design, but I realized I needed more practice and confidence to call myself a professional designer.

Rediscovering My Passion: Webflow:

While contemplating my next steps, I remembered how much I loved playing around with HTML and CSS during my school computer classes. Through research, I found a powerful tool called Webflow. I dedicated myself to learning it and became proficient in creating beautiful websites. Once again, I was able to earn money through my newfound skills.

Overcoming Challenges and Reflecting:

However, laziness and procrastination resurfaced, hindering my progress. With the added pressure of long commutes for college, I had to put my learning on hold for a while. But instead of getting discouraged, I took the time to reflect and started writing in a journal. This helped me identify the mistakes I had made and the areas where I needed improvement.

Exploring the World of Web 3:

Now, I find myself exploring the fascinating world of web 3 technology. It's a rapidly evolving field that intrigues me and offers new opportunities for growth and innovation. Remember, this is not the end of my story. I'm only 21, and I have a long way to go. Although I already have some knowledge of HTML, CSS, and a bit of JavaScript, I want to deepen my coding skills. If I get the chance, I will share any updates and changes in my lifestyle in a future blog post.

The Endless Possibilities of Growth:

In conclusion, as young individuals, we should embrace the endless possibilities available to us. There's no need to worry or doubt ourselves. We can always learn, adapt, and explore new areas. My journey highlights the importance of perseverance, self-reflection, and personal growth. Let's seize each moment and strive to become the best versions of ourselves.

Note: I would like to acknowledge that I received assistance from an AI language model to organize and refine the content of this blog post.